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sharpton: public defender or a person with too much time

In my short life i have witness countless acts of ignorance by the person in the title the people he attacks have made one mistake and he publicly prosecutes them and asks for there resignation letters and pressures there emplorer to fire them. for example a radio broadcaster who will remain nameless said a racist statement on air and its not that i agree with him i have plenty of colored friends but he made a public apology and apologized to the basketball team and even willingly apologized on sharptons own radio station taking slander and other forms of insults for nothing he did not have to do anything of this sort this is america and even though he should not of said those things on air or at all he has the right to say these things. personally i think that sharpton is the problem and blows these incidents way out of proportion. in my opinon he is the biggest racist of us all he profits from the mistakes of others and imposes on all of our freedoms.                                                             im accepting all comments and concerns on this matter or if you have something you want me to talk about email me at   [email protected]